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Are You Ready to Apply for the NNSP Award? (Free) – 18th November 2024 4pm-5pm


November 18
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


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The webinar will look at the following requirements for the application:-

  1. Nurture principles into practice audit 
  2. Self assessment and examples
  3. Case studies examples
  4. Application form – review of the form
  5. Evidence – types and examples
  6. Moderation information – what we look for
  7. Format of the online assessment 

Q&A session at the end.

Please note that delegates must have attended and completed the National Nurturing Schools Programme training course.

How: During the session, the host will share their screen and audio. Attendees are view-only participants. They can interact with the host through chat.

The host reserves the rights to hold the recording and audio footage