IJNE Volume 10 – 2024

The International Journal of Nurture in Education (Volume 10)

We are delighted to present the tenth volume of the International Journal of Nurture in Education - the only journal solely dedicated to research on the nurturing approach. We are proud of the contributions made by our authors who provide an in-depth examination of different themes dear to nurture practitioners. All contributions are subject to peer review.

Topics that are covered in this volume include:

  • Exploring ‘behaviour as communication’ as a hinge commitment within Whole-School Nurture and Restorative Practice. By Thomas Procter-Legg.
  • The Mulberry Bush Nurturing Schools project: Evaluating the impact of investment in whole-school nurturing practices. By David Colley, Ruth Seymour and Nicoleta Gaciu.
  • Through their eyes and in their words: A systematic review and qualitative exploration of children’s perspectives and experiences of nurture groups. By Maria Pace.
  • Whole-school nurture: a theoretical reflection with some practical solutions. By Kim Insley.