Nurturing Kent: Independent Evaluations (2024)

Nurturing Kent

Nurtureuk was commissioned by Kent County Council to deliver the three-year Nurturing Kent Programme, which ran in 300 mainstream primary and secondary schools across the county.

The programme was aimed at improving the wellbeing, attendance and educational engagement of all pupils, with a particular focus on children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). An independent evaluation by ResPeo carried out in September 2024 found that:
  • Schools found the Boxall Profile® helpful in terms of identifying and responding to pupils’ needs.
  • Most schools perceived a positive impact of the Programme on the social, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of pupils across the whole school.
  • Attendance rates for pupils with SEND increased significantly with time in the Programme.
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The reports

We commissioned two independent evaluations of the Nurturing Kent programme.

This report focuses on the programme’s impact on students’ engagement, well-being, attendance and behaviour by going beyond statistical data to look at the lived experiences of pupils and staff.

This report conducts in-depth data analysis to evidence key performance indicators for Kent County Council, “tell the story” of the Programme’s impact, and generate recommendations for future iterations of the Programme.