Research and Evidence

We have been championing inclusion for over 50 years. Our training, products and services are all evidence-based and practice-led.

The Evidence for Nurture

Nurture creates happier pupils and more inclusive schools.

Don't just take our word for it though. Explore real-life case studies, genuine testimonials, and compelling statistics including:

  • 100% of schools polled in our Nurturing Kent programme would recommend the nurturing approach to other schools
  • 97% of schools agreed the Boxall Profile® helped identity and address the needs of their pupils
  • 90% of teachers agreed the programme had a positive impact on the social and emotional developmental needs and wellbeing of children

Educators say...

“Our attendance is where it’s never been before and our exclusions are lower than they’ve ever been. I feel we’re much richer and stronger as a school as a consequence of nurture.”

Neil Hutchins, Assistant Headteacher

Heathcote School & Science College, London

“I truly believe that nurture has been instrumental in our success here at Norbury Manor Primary School. By creating a safe and welcoming environment for all of our students, we are able to foster a culture of learning and growth that will serve them well throughout their lives.”

Sonia Potter, Headteacher

Norbury Manor Primary School

“I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of the nurturing approach in our schools.”

James Roach, CEO

Inclusive Multi Academy Trust

“Our whole school was [Boxall Profile®] assessed during Term 3 and is due to be assessed again this term. It has helped to highlight children that may have otherwise slipped under the radar regarding SEMH, and has allowed us to even more precisely track the interventions and support strategies that are being put in place for our more vulnerable pupils and to track the progress that they are making in regards to their SEMH needs”

Anonymous Teacher

Nurturing Kent

“I genuinely think, if we hadn’t done this when we did it [implemented nurture], at least two of my [year 10/11] boys would be in prison now.”

Holly Woollcott, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Fulston Manor School, Kent

“Nurture is going nowhere; this is what we do, and we are all reaping the rewards from that.”

Tony Doran, Headteacher

Virtual School Kent

“A child who has experienced previous trauma and had no preschool experience is now accessing school full time…They are now engaging with their class and their social and emotional skills have developed well. They have built strong relationships with key adults”

Anonymous Teacher

Nurturing Kent

International Journal of Nurture in Education

The International Journal for Nurture in Education aims to attract papers that will explore themes related to nurture in education in the context of emotional and mental wellbeing.


We gather and promote research on the impact of nurture principles and provision, so that every child is ready and able to learn.

The Evidence for Nurture Practice

Our education system is facing huge pressure. The proven way to address these challenges is nurture.

Nurturing Kent: Independent Evaluations (2024)

ResPeo has conducted a mixed methods impact evaluation of nurtureuk’s Kent County Council Nurturing Programme.