Snack Time

One of the most important parts of any nurture session involves the sharing of food. Nurture practitioners have reported that many of their children's breakthrough moments have happened during snack time.

Snack time plays a pivotal role in helping children to develop various skills and to learn. It is a chance for children to build positive relationships with other pupils and staff. Snack time can build children's social, emotional and cognitive skills, as well as building up their resilience.

By giving children the permission to have a break when they need one builds trust between the child and the adult. A supportive and nurturing environment will help children to thrive at school.

We are delighted to release the Snack Time Bundle providing a pre-recorded webinar and two e-books: Snack Time and the Nurture Recipe Book. More information can be found below.

A girl eating food whilst sat at a table with friends
 In our Snack Time Bundle, you will receive the following:

You will have access to a pre-recorded webinar which focuses on the sharing of food in nurture settings and considers why it is such a vital part of nurture curriculum.

This booklet links to the webinar and has practical tips for making snack time a structured and meaningful event for children and young people.

This book contains a variety of tried and tested recipes shared by nurture practitioners, providing a bank of delicious delicacies to make in your nurture provision or at home.

The Snack Time Bundle is now available to purchase!

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